Forward 1031 Exchange
This is the most common type of 1031 exchange. You will hear it referred to as a delayed or starker exchange. Upon selling your property(s) (relinquished property), you have 45 days to identify what property(s) (replacements property) you will be acquiring. Upon completion of the 45 days deadline, you will have an additional 135 days to close escrow on the replacement property(s) that you identified in those first 45 days. The total transaction cannot exceed 180 days from the close of escrow on your relinquished property. You have 45 days to identify and 135 to close, for a TOTAL of 180 days.
Step By Step Guide to a Forward 1031 Exchange
Although we offer the one-stop convenience of an integrated range of financial services and strategies under one roof, there are occasions when our clients need specialist advice beyond the scope of our own expertise. That’s why we’ve developed close working relationships with a number of strategic partners who can bring additional skills to the table to complement our own, carefully selected as leaders in their respective fields whose outlook and approach to client care mirror our own high standards.
How Can We Help
We offer a one-stop-shop of convenience and an integrated range of financial and exchange services under one roof. We are passionate about what we do and how we do it. We understand that our clients are not just the most important part of our business—THEY are our business.
It’s all part of our commitment to provide you with financial expertise—complete support for every stage of your investment real estate needs. In other words, if we can’t give you the answers you’re looking for, then you can count on us to know someone who can.